@thestelster is correct. He made a lantern style toolpost that attaches directly to the cross slide and bypasses the compound. He said it was quite ridgid. It appears to be a piece of a trailer axle shaft that he made into a toolpost.
There is no outboard spiders. I will have to manufacture my own. For that task he made bushings that fit the exact tube and put them in the rear of the headstock, and then held the main end in the collet chuck, is what he said.
The plan is to make an order with precision Matthew’s and just buy a follow rest. This is the identical lathe to their pm-1236T, and the 1340GT is the big brother.
You guys are an observant bunch.
@historicalarms is correct in his assertion that the ryobi thing is a janky makeshift toolpost grinder.
The guy was good at the things he did, but some of the things he manufactured were outright janky.
The stand the lathe was on would have had all of you either in hysterics or up in arms for the man’s head.
We almost spilled the lathe when loading into my truck because of his janky stand…. I’m glad to say we didn’t.
As far as the story, it was imported by a fellow who lived in the foothills south of Calgary, who worked up north in the patch, and on the side when he was home worked on tubular objects between about 22 and 28” that get used quite frequently in the fall in that area. He imported directly from liang dei and owned it since new. The lathe was manufactured in April 2022, according to the nameplate, so he only owned the thing for about two years.
He’s getting up there in age and has some health issues, so he said he’s getting rid of everything heavy because he knows his wife couldn’t deal with it all without him. He still has a small Chinese lathe he is going to do some work off of that could be moved more easily. A good old guy.