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Machine What has he done now!?

This will involve a bit or a re-org, I think at least two mills and two or three lathes will go, which will break my heart but the functionality is duplicated.

I have a big 27ft flatbed and a HD truck. Pretty sure I could help you move out all 4 or 6 machines at once at no charge.


And just imagine how impressed your lady would be then!
Wow. I'm in awe. Great find - congrats on closing the deal! They look to be in perfect condition! Now to find some floor space!!!
....... well lad, it looks like you're in a bit of a predicament now aren't ya?
I figure that you are pretty heavily invested in that crate, so a few more bucks can't hurt.....too much. :rolleyes:
So, here's my plan: tell her you have booked her car into the shop to have it's muffler bearings greased and summer air put in the tires before it gets any hotter. Take the car to your work and park it there. Hit up a car rental place and rent her a "courtesy" car. When she heads off to work in the morning call in the rental as being stolen, by the time the cops are done with her and she has proven her innocence your new toy will be in place and she'll be far too rattled to notice the new toy. * IMPORTANT! * If your phone is ringing DO NOT answer it until your ruse has been completed! :cool:
Drastic times call for drastic measures....... Good luck!
That worked for you did it ?
Some updates.

The machines and bits and pieces are slowly making it home in the trunk of my car. More that three weeks now, getting tedious. Wife still afaik doesn't suspect. Don't tell please lol. Adding to the confusion is that the big flood a couple of weeks ago affected us. Tons of hours dealing with the basement cuts into time and parts are strew all over the (already very crowded) garage - I can't start bring stuff downstairs until its dealt with.

The fun and exciting part is just how beautifully these machines are put together. A treat to work on. Not a single fastener has caused trouble (they weren't over tightened) and everything comes apart quite smoothly. They are probably 50's vintage but in really good shape; the original scraping marks are visible on most surfaces for example .... some shots below.

Mill X


mill Y


Mill Z and the mate to X




The lathe cross slide does show some wear, but that is a small and easy (relative to the bed) scraping job. Not sure what happened here given the rest of the machine must have been either not used very much or carefully oiled. Also concerning is that cross slide is leaving some scuff marks on the saddle extension that holds the feedscrew bearings. Unless there is extreme wear on the cross slide, not sure how that could happen. I'll (hopefully) figure that out once the moving is done


Getting the lathe apart is a bit complicated. I found a well document instruction set on the gear box removal in French. After translating it kind of save the day.

Still have to get the leadscrew out. Runs down the middle of the bed, 40mm in diameter and is anchored at the bed at the tailstock end tailstock with a set of roller bearings. Not immediately obvious how to remove that bearing block given its pinned to the bed, i.e. it would have to bed lowered to clear the mounting pins, but that would mean bending the LS which is right now solidly mounted at the HS end. I'll figure it out and there's good resources on the net that can help.


Overall, thrilled to get a couple of low wear machines that I can basically just use, well once they are moved, carted downstairs, assembled and wired :)
Adding to the confusion is that the big flood a couple of weeks ago affected us. Tons of hours dealing with the basement cuts into time and parts are strew all over the (already very crowded) garage - I can't start bring stuff downstairs until its dealt with.

You are a sly dog..... Using the flooding as a cover for your nepharious activities is just plain brilliant!
That's all she needs to know, and see.

Indeed, I'm sowing the seeds. The recent departure of the Cataract mill was a symphony of public relations tidbits. Very vocal, sat in the front hall for a day before pick up, talked a lot about the buyer.....

(Hopefully it's obvious this is all mostly tongue in cheek (but true lol), I could just tell her and while that fans the flames of an insanity defence, I don't think i'd get much more than some eye rolling, but better safe than sorry :) )
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