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Wanted mini shaper

The " Home Shop Machinist " has a discussion on their forum page about adding a front support to a 7a table .


There is the link to it .
Nice to see a few success stories of members selling to members
great looking shop, with a nice addition to the floor
The working side of my shop, always have a couple Italian motorcycle rebuilds on the bench. Finding parts for these old nails is getting harder every year and fabricating replacement bits is becoming a necessity. Too many machine shops have closed and hardly anyone is willing to take on small machine projects so I keep trying to learn how to do it myself. A shaper will be great for shaft splines, slots etc.

I didn't realize there was a 7 as well, but you got me questioning it and I found the image below. My point was its the 7B that had the table support and 7A (and apparently the 7 as well) didn't have it

View attachment 50855
It doesn’t mention anything about the wood cabinet base on mine although I have to say it has quite the rock to it in the higher settings I keep it on low.