I was too terse yesterday, but I'll blame being tired. The optimistic tone of the last move post is a little deceiving. The really big and dangerous part of the move is yet to be done!
To directly answer
@YYCHobbyMachinist the next move will include the heat treat furnace (675lbs), the headstock (475lbs), the mill base (900 lbs) and the surface grinder (est. 1300 lbs) Only the surface grinder can be broken down any further, and that is to take the table off at about 110lbs.
So we now have to make a hole in his outside wall to accommodate a winch cable, build some rollers to direct the winch cables, and a deck outside his back door. The step from his landing to the outside slab is over 11 inches. The actual move will involve removing both back door and screen door, along with his 9 foot wide fence gate. (of course all has to be put back after all is done).
The logistics of moving the items off the back deck to a trailer deck have not yet been solved. I'm exploring several options at the moment.