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Shipping from UK

Is this about easy x-raying?
Probably: I flew through Frankfurt (from West Africa) shortly after the 1st Gulf War and they interviewed everyone waiting in the security line, asking if there was anything in our checked baggage that could look “suspicious” (I’m sure they also asked originating passengers this when they checked their bags); I told them that there was a coiled charging cord and they took the claim check number then radioed it down to the X-ray area.
So l figured it out. It was the way it was packed, to many parts in to small box, they need to see separation between the parts so they can determine what there looking at. Easy pleasey once you know.
That is a weak excuse IMO. So the customs inspector suddenly an expert at specialized castings & bits & bobs for metalworking because they are packed loosely & banging around? He can tell a bushing from a piston return spring? Did the manifest not itemize the parts so he could eyeball the sheet & contents & nod with authority? Did it not have a sales slip or sticker saying something like 15 piece kit? If those are the rules, how do these enter the country? Sheesh.
No, it's not a weak excuse. If it is a solid lump of opaqueness on the xray, too closely packed together, then it will fail. They don't care what the packing slip says, it could easily be lies. What is not suprising is that RM didn't bother saying what the issue was. Plastic kits are not opaque on x-rays.

Derek and I bought a bunch of CZ120 brass plate from UK, it went the same circular route on the way to Ireland. No explanantion. Eventually we just paid for FedEx. That was Parcel Farce so who knows what ths issue was.

I had this happen bringing home a kobek from Holland. Basically a large flat mortar/pestle for grinding food. Airport security ran it through the scanner a few times, they didn't care what I told them it was. Eventually I unwrapped it for them.
No, it's not a weak excuse. If it is a solid lump of opaqueness on the xray, too closely packed together, then it will fail. They don't care what the packing slip says, it could easily be lies. What is not suprising is that RM didn't bother saying what the issue was. Plastic kits are not opaque on x-rays.

Derek and I bought a bunch of CZ120 brass plate from UK, it went the same circular route on the way to Ireland. No explanantion. Eventually we just paid for FedEx. That was Parcel Farce so who knows what ths issue was.

I had this happen bringing home a kobek from Holland. Basically a large flat mortar/pestle for grinding food. Airport security ran it through the scanner a few times, they didn't care what I told them it was. Eventually I unwrapped it for them.
Similar. Coming back from the UK in the mid 90’s with my parents, my mother bought a cast iron rabbit, to my recollection in the airport. It was posed sitting up on its hind feet, ears up, say, 10” tall. Went into a carry-on bag. When they ran it through the X-ray there was a lot of muttering and consternation. They finally had her open the bag. Sigh of relief. They showed us the X-ray image after that. Looked for all the world like an artillery shell.