appears as non-tapered spindle nose. Older / original? Deckel?
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my S0 from 1967 has just a straight hub like this
appears as non-tapered spindle nose. Older / original? Deckel?
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I’m super stoked!
oh wild, my apologies for assuming they were all the same!This also has a straight hub.
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My more current Accusize model is yet again another variant. It does not have a tapered spindle nose but rather just a straight hub. I pulled the spindle cartridge out yesterday. Like the rest of the machine the spindle housing was full of manufacturing swarf , yellow grease/Wax and paint. I cleaned it all up and reassembled with a light coating of way oil. It works much better. I had thought of re-machining the spindle nose to a tapered style or just making a new one but have decided to just leave it as it is for now. The grinding wheels fit it well. There's lots of other remanufacturing I can do that would be of better benefit for now. I would love a Tool and Cutter grinder but for now this machine will be my introduction to grinding.The (very nicely made) Shars hubs link here. They come in 2 wheel hole ID flavors
Grinding Wheel Adapter for 3/4" Arbor Hole
Hubs are 1:5 taper ratio. So included angle = ArcTan (1/5) = 11.309 deg or 5.65 deg per side
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My Accusize is 1:10 taper ratio. its undocumented so first taken by spindle measurements, then validated using arbors & blanks & blueing etc. Accusize does not stock hubs for their own machines even though I've had a conversation with them explaining why they are important to customers. As I subsequently began disassembling & rebuilding my machine & seeing so many other QC issues, maybe that's just as well.
Accusize = ArcTan(1/10) = 5.710 deg included angle = 2.855 deg per side
I only discovered this when the Shars hubs arrived & of course did not fit. But I was able to machine & lap them to suite my spindle.
I'm tagging @Don Sipes on this because same issue recently came up in discussion. My spindle housing was a real piece of work, I considered making a new one & spindle to match Shars taper, but in the end managed to salvage the housing. I'd have to check my notes on the bearing situation but it was good enough for me to carry on for now. I'll eventually do a writeup on my TCG, have a few more things to complete. But knowing what I know today, don't waste your money on this 'casting kit' unless its spit cheap & you want to do remedial work. I have a hunch most of the Ali/Ebay ones are pretty similar based articles & posts I've seen. The Shars (5C collet work head) model is a different machine & much closer to acceptable. Even so, that is the base model Renzetti & Gotteswinter did their own improvements to.
View attachment 60415
I have some Deckel manuals but no spindle dimensions. And as mentioned, I think some re-manufacturers may have cloned this aspect & others may have gone their own way.
appears as a tapered spindle nose
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appears as non-tapered spindle nose. Older / original? Deckel?
View attachment 60422View attachment 60423View attachment 60424
Interesting. That's what my eyes were telling me at the time but I thought, can't be, maybe they changed the taper yet again. Well although I can see benefits to a taper, it is what it is & this simplifies making your own hubs with plain bored holes. But now the shaft/hole fit has to be very good or else any radial runout translates into wheel wobble & that's bad news for grinding. If they are fitting snug you might want to consider some extraction tools. I made these for tapered fittings so your version would look a bit different.My more current Accusize model is yet again another variant. It does not have a tapered spindle nose but rather just a straight hub.
Agree, the 'green wheels' are fit for roughing, but are not worth their price for getting a decent finish on the cutting edge of a carbide tool! The first time I got to use a diamond wheel, made me a true believer, as I put a smooth and shiny RAZOR sharp edge on the cutter.
I put one of these on the one at work for doing carbide engraving cutters, and bullnose corners. WAY better than a green silicon carbide wheel. A must have.
That's exactly the kind of advice and inspiration I was looking for. Appreciate it!@David I believe so, probably sitting in a box of equally underwhelming parts. If you're asking is it worth buying I would say no. Most of my parts didn't even fit one another as intended, never mind another machine. The side rod is meant to engage a matching hole in the underlying dovetail (mine didn't fit). The dovetails are not machined well & use a collection of different sized poorly made gib strips. The feed screw was a mess. Anyway, I believe it's basically a fixture to hold rectangular stock like cutting tools. But its a crude & limited design. You could make something much better. Especially with a 3DP to quickly prototype & tune the design before committing to metal
For example, different purpose but just to give you ideas. I made a simple plate which has a dovetail profile bolted on underside to match the TCG swing arm. This becomes an extended datum surface to do other useful things, still using the compound to set the various angles. I have an adjustable 'L' stop on the plate, so I can just use my 5C collet block to hold a round cutting tool. Advance it into the wheel to grind a facet. Then flip the block 80-deg & it automatically grinds to exact same depth, no fuss. For grinding tools with rectangular shanks, you would just need a fence to align the shank & reliable means to secure it.
When it comes to wheels there are lots of inexpensive diamond wheels on Ali & such so you can grind & dress carbide very easily. For HSS you are supposed to use AO type wheels or CBN (but not diamond). the holes vary, the hubs vary, the specs vary... a whole subject unto its own. But just to give you heads up. Hope that answers the intended question, otherwise feel free to elaborate.
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@gerritv images not loading. Not sure if these in particular. Others in post seem to load ok, but I've noticed this behavior sporadically in other threads.
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