John Conroy
My wife and I drove to Kitchener and back yesterday so I had very little time to play. However, I did take a half hour before bed to put the top housing on the motor with a new longer drive belt to check adjustment clearance. I couldn't resist running the motor. The damping inherent in the drive belt has almost clobbered the vibration.
My wife came out to the shop and I ran it for her too. That 4k scream made her practically claw her way through the wall of the shop.
If I get some time today, I plan to tune the VFD a wee bit. At a minimum I'll increase the carrier freq till she can tolerate it. But what I really want to do is switch to vectorless control.
Last night I spent a bit of time looking for shielded power cable for the VFD to Motor wiring. That was no piece of cake. I ended up frustrated. I only need about 8 ft of it. Where do you guys find that stuff?
Btw, I found this video explaining the virtues of various alternative wiring designs. I liked it.
I'm not using shielded cable. What I used is 12AWG 600 volt SOOW cable as I did on the other 3 vfd's in my shop. I plan to install an AC line filter on the single phase input cables and ferrites on the motor cables as shown in the Clough42 video even though I have never experienced any EMI or RFI related symptoms.
If you really want shielded cable you can probably order some from Digikey but it will be pricey.