• Scam Alert. Members are reminded to NOT send money to buy anything. Don't buy things remote and have it shipped - go get it yourself, pay in person, and take your equipment with you. Scammers have burned people on this forum. Urgency, secrecy, excuses, selling for friend, newish members, FUD, are RED FLAGS. A video conference call is not adequate assurance. Face to face interactions are required. Please report suspicions to the forum admins. Stay Safe - anyone can get scammed.

KERRY 1124 LATHE FOR SALE, $3,000:00 firm

As of lunch time today meaning Tuesday 9th of July 2024 my KERRY lathe is winging it' way to it's new home a short distance south of Regina. Drive carefully guys and have a safe trip. Many thanks to @Doggggboy and Les for helping me out in the clutch, it's an inside joke folks. LOL

Hopefully Les the now proud owner of said KERRY lathe will become a new forum member.

Photo 1. Les

Photo 2. Les standing to the side with @Doggggboy tying the knots rear of trailer.

Actually I had a shot list of potential byers and that really surprised me with Les being first on the list.

Happy machining Les, play safe!

Time to get out my crying towel again.
It was a pleasure to meet you, Dusty.
Always nice to put a face and a personality to a somewhat anonymous online name.
Loading was an absolute piece of cake compared to unloading. Tried to do the same process in reverse but the front casters decided to take a dirt nap instead and after much struggling, sweating and swearing, we decided it was best to resort to the old Pharaoh's style and just use levers and grease on the ramps. Slow but effective and it is now sitting in Les's shop waiting for its permanent home.
Les got a quality piece of equipment for a good price from a quality guy.
Thank you.
Well Les looks happy, as well he should, it looks like he got one sweet deal.
I bought a few things from old guys downsizing or what ever and I alway feel something when I use those items. Some stuff I got without ever meeting the owner and it's a much different feeling when I see the initials on the tools, makes me wonder.
It was a pleasure to meet you, Dusty.
Always nice to put a face and a personality to a somewhat anonymous online name.
Loading was an absolute piece of cake compared to unloading. Tried to do the same process in reverse but the front casters decided to take a dirt nap instead and after much struggling, sweating and swearing, we decided it was best to resort to the old Pharaoh's style and just use levers and grease on the ramps. Slow but effective and it is now sitting in Les's shop waiting for its permanent home.
Les got a quality piece of equipment for a good price from a quality guy.
Thank you.

Ditto that, while in the military (air force) our crew chief always said if there were no accidents and no one was injured it was a good shift on the flight line.

Sounds to me that you and Les had everything under control along with assisting me in my garage/shop during a clutch moment. Was totally embarrassed with my minor lathe snag/adjustment although with your insight you came to the rescue. Thank you both for for that.

Would encourage Les to join the forum the more the merrier me thinks, all part of one's learning curve.

Going to hold a barn dance with all this extra floor space in my shop, WOW .....

Parting is such sweet sorrow!
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