New shop lights up. Honestly not much of a noticeable difference in light, but I'm sure there will be a difference on the power bill. I put up twelve 4' 6500k sections, in pretty much the same spots as the five 3500k 4' florescent tubes. A little more light around the mill and lathe as I was able to orient them a different way than the double tube fixtures, but doesn't really seem like a huge improvement overall TBH.
The big improvement of course was to the black smith shed which gained 16' of new light. I have 3 double fixtures that will go out to the barn for the wood shop. Next years project.....
I might buy another pack of them and fill in some blanks and under my overhead cabinets. That should really help a bit more.
They were pretty easy to put up, but I wish they'd switch to Parmasean, or maybe Pecorino for the screws in these things for a bit more durability.