Well there is lots to think about.Hi all:
New to the forum. Looking for some recommendations on what to buy. Would like to be able to weld Metal/Steel, Aluminum and Stainless. Mainly for fixing broken things but also to do some small projects. Don't think I will go past 1/4" thickness very often. Took stick welding (80 hours) and gas welding/cutting torch (80 hours) courses about 40 years ago in Germany but haven't done much welding in the last 10 years. Contemplating if I should go for gas MIG or TIG.
On some other forums I saw the recommendation to get a 240 Volt (or 110/240 Volt) stick/TIG machine. Uncertain if I will use it very often so also looking for low cost of ownership. Don't have any experience how expensive it is to maintain a gas bottle (certifications, etc.). Want to spend as little as possible but willing to spend as much as necessary to get a good solution. Where to go in Calgary for welding machines and supply? Much appreciated!
I have a Thermal ARC 186 ) ac/dc (Tig and stick with pedal and dial current control on torch ) and a Mig Lincoln 140C (commercial version). Sometimes I wished I had one that did TIG/Mig/Stick as one. The Thermal is 240v hence thicker welding and the Mig is 120v. The 140c has option for spot but they want 400 for a small IC board. I am of the thought to get one with as many options that are available withing your price range. Once you have it and get use to it you will be surprise how often you can use it. You will also find that Oh I should have got that one extra option. Example would be the single pulse option on my TIG or Mig that is not or no longer available. I use the the Mig with gas but also use the flux core if outdoors (use vegatable spray on parts) it a none hazzard way to keep splatter off parts.
So a unit that is both 240 and 120, Tig AC/DC (ac for aluminum). You have to use a stiffer aluminum wire like ER5356. Just google on how to. I would also suggest that a name brand and at a local store if possible is by far a better option because if say you buy from Princes Auto (nothing against PA) but if it breaks after warrenty forget about getting it serviced.