WELL CRAP! Now that I've seen it I can't un-see it and that means I now have to improve how I dimension my drawings. @DavidR8 ... Don't you have something to build in the shop instead of flooding us with useful information?I went searching for info on what H6 meant in relation to a shaft dimension and found this excellent document on dimensioning and tolerancing.
Join the club: when I say “descriptive geometry” I get blank stares or at best “What’s that?” If I tell them, “It’s figuring out where a line connecting two points on opposite sides of an oblique plane passes through the plane using drawings” and that really bewilders them.This rather dates me - but I took drafting and was required to be proficient with a slide rule.
Oh yeah - also learned descriptive geometry and how to use log tables.
I just rely the old standby of +/- half the least significant figure of a dimension and “free-running fit.”I got drowned in that crap when I was required to do it. Now I only do what I feel is needed. But it's always useful to know what the various terms mean when others use them.