Where’s all the Cowtown hotspots to visit?
I'd start with a few beers at @YYCHM 's shop. I bet it isn't as dead as he thinks it is!

Where’s all the Cowtown hotspots to visit?
What, no place to make loud noises and put holes in paper? No adult establishments serving food and beverages? No old iron resting places? No places to try riding a yet to be hamburger rodeo ring?Hotspots LOL, what do you consider to be Hot? Seems pretty dead around here to me.
What, no place to make loud noises and put holes in paper? No adult establishments serving food and beverages? No old iron resting places? No places to try riding a yet to be hamburger rodeo ring?
C’mon gotta be something in Cowtown don’t tell me Stabmenton is superior
That would be great! I don’t know Calgary very well, if at allI have quit Rosebud, but there are a few great places in the Forestry where one can make big noises in a safe, legal manner. I'd be happy to host you (and show off a rifle or 2).
I'd be happy to host and guide.
@Chicken lights - looking for a really -really- big manual milling machine? Or an 8X24 surface grinder? I know of one each coming up for sale, soon....
We’re in that weird no mans land between Kenora and Whiteshell for the night, permits don’t allow us to run in MB until the morning. Something about week day construction and a large detour if we wanted to run in MB today
On a holiday weekend the chance of getting stopped is rare, but if we get stopped with wrong permits we’d be sitting until Tuesday to get new ones
So, somewhat out of character, we’re behaving
It’s confusing. You can get a yearly permit by province that’s a blanket “drive where you want”. But if you exceed the dimensions on the annual permit you need a “one time trip permit” per provinceHow do these permits work? Do you need one for each Province?
My SK permit was emailed to me yesterday, it said it was valid from May 19/22 until May 20/22. No bueno
Agree with Bill on this one, you're stereotyping all for the stupidity of those who make the rules. It's not the fault of the person behind the desk filing out the forms that bureaucracy has made most everything dealing with government a pita.That is why we pay so much tax. Too many totally stupid public servants.
@ Sasquatch said, "That is why we pay so much tax. Too many totally stupid public servants."
As a former Public Servant, member of the Canadian Forces, and a veteran I find your above comment offensive and not well taken. When you point a dirty finger at Public Servants then tar and feather them with a wide brush start with their political masters who make and set the laws.
I sir am not a stupid man therefore a retraction and apology of said comment is the right way ahead.
Not impressed.