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best way to cut corrugated sheet metal

a metal cutting circular saw is the cats a$$ for cutting this type of material, wear earplugs, but other than that its really hard to beat

i havent used one to cut that exact material, but i have cut plenty of q-deck across the corrugations with one, its thinner material with a much more drastic profile and it doesn't catch, just cuts like butter, screaming butter

the thickness wont be a problem, i have cut the sides of sea containers out with them, as well as 1/2" steel plate, really hard to beat

the Milwaukee one is the one i would look at buying if i was in the market
I used a welder cranked up to high amperage (135 or so) and used 1/8 6011 rod. Needless to say you have to go really fast for an nice cut.
I just got a cordless nibbler, cuts up to 16 gage, dam does that ever work nice. Had to cut a metal wall to put flashing in for a roof, metal had been put over wood and did not want sparks every where, possibly starting a fire. Cut about 24ft. Corrugated sheeting, pretty fast, clean. Wow, should have got one sooner, possibly comes under the not used every day, but when used makes life much easier.
Diablo metal cutting blade. Safety glasses, face shield, ear protection and cut away. We did several dozen cuts. No issues. Still have and use the blade once and awhile. Last use cut 1/8th plate with it. The screamer saws work better, I have used them aswell but a regular skill saw works fine.