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Way wipers 8 x 30 Mill


Ultra Member
Image below shows a way wiper and two way protectors.

I don't have A or C

Item B on mine seems pretty good, not sure if there is supposed to be one on the column side as well or does "C" serve this function

I will try Busy Bee this morning, has anyone sourced these items? Perhaps there is a better source than BusyBee?

For the column cover "c" I used treadmill runner material for quite some time. It was a bit too stiff but it worked. I've also ordered generic accordian style rubber way covers off Ali Express.
I am still using the thread mill runner and should replace it. I have difficulty moving the table smoothly when it tries to bunch up. I will look at AliEx. I like these threads, they sometimes remind me of things I need done and the suggestions given are helpful. Thanks for posting!
I still need way covers too. I just have not been happy with anything I have found. It's either too stiff or bunches up and billows like sheets on a clothes line. The best I've tried is the oiled canvas cloth.
First LC series mills come with the back cover made from 1/16” rubber sheet. On my machine it seems to work well and doesn’t store several pounds of swarf like the accordion pleat covers.

The rubber sheet should be available from your local industrial supply for not much cash.

The First machines also have the type B wipers on the front and it seems to work well.

D :cool:

I stopped by BusyBee to look at the cover behind the saddle. Wanted to see thickness, material, and how well it bunched up with the knee all the way up and Y towards the pedestal. Answer not well.

Further it was cracked all the way across almost to the point of breaking in two. This on a brand new mill sitting in the store being cranked up and down by a customer once in a while. I'm certainly not going to order one of those. IMO the material used is too thick, looked to be about 100mil. I'm going to order some much thinner more flexible perhaps silicone type mat.

Thanks for the links and input.
Just sayin’, the 1/16 rubber sheet on my First has been there since 1987 and shows no sign of giving up any time soon…..

It’s probably nitrile/buna, the neoprene mentioned above would be less oil resistant but more resistant to weathering but hopefully our machines don’t see much of that. ;)

There is info on the web about material oil resistance.

D :cool:
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I liked the idea, so tonight I stopped by Princess A and bought a roll of drawer liner. It feel much more pliable than the treadmill runner,. Looking forward to trying it out.
I like that idea. I have an accordion type cover behind the X axis. Really don't like it. Crap gets into the folds and trying to brush or vacuum out doesn't work well. Like @slow-poke I have the wiper on the front but nothing covering the ways. And nothing on the vertical ways.
I built a vertical metal shield and an accordian way cover on the in board side Y way. Wipers or cover Scarf in that location is an issue and must be cleared, flood cooling helps a lot, but it must still be cleared manually a lot. On the out board Y side metal cover.

Ideally I would love metal collapsible covers one locations required (aka big machine style), however on smaller machine anything including wipers sacrifice travel for protection and the game is the best compromise possible.