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Very nice Boehringer 500 for sale on GCSurplus

That's just around the corner (almost) from me!
A bit to big for my needs though :eek:
it looks like an 18" or 20" X 60 lathe. The accessories alone are worth more than 1500$ (possibly 2500$). The DRO alone iw worth more than 500$...

The motor is no big deal it can be replaced with another C flange motor if it can't be directly wired for 240V. My best guess is it is worth between 4000 and 6000, depending on a detailed inspection. the gearbox on a Boehringer is one of the very best in the industry. It is going to make someone very happy!
Definitely robust. Also too big for my needs - which has rarely been a hinderance. Most of my machine are too big for what I need :). There are a few "I'd like to get an abc123 machine" - decent swing, okay on the spindle bore - and not too long a bed (often machines of that size have quite a long bed - which would be a problem for me). Power is already sorted. Except I'm feeling overwhelmed with half done projects - just need to stop and breath (there seems to be quite a few machines available of late). It'll be cool to see what it goes for.
there are transport trucks bigger than that...:p

ha true, i would hate to have to cover the cost of getting it anywhere tho, that would add up quick, mobile cranes, hot shot trucks, equiptment dollys, laborers....but if a guy got it cheap enough......
Im curious after looking at the photo's. Does that lathe have a direct drive variable speed mechanism of some kind. I don't see any gear change levers and the face plate seems to have some sort of sliding RPM indicator? And I agree that an excellent looking machine, will be very surprised if Dabblers pricing estimate isnt met.
The headstock is a variable speed drive, and the myriad of settings are a rather large number of feed/thead cutting variations.
I'm glad it went to for a decent price to someone who must appreciate what it is. I was worried it would be bought by some curber who would leave it outside in the weather and hope to make a few bucks re-selling it, like that Gorton mill we saw a few weeks back.