I've been gawking at used CNC lathe's. I saw this interesting unit - a ST-10Y slant bed CNC lathe with live tooling and Y axis - they want $50K USD for it. New it's about $98K currently from HAAS. So that's about half and the machine is from 2013 so 7 or 8 years old. What do people know about expected depreciation on CNC equipment? I thought perhaps at that age it would cost less than that. I don't know the hours on the machine or really what condition it is in. Looks ok from here. Should it be worth 50% at 5 years old? and at 7 years?
Here's a vid on what that kind of machine can do, a combination of lathe work and mill work. Essentially a limited mill turn machine but this is smaller and not a 5 axis machine.
Here's a vid on what that kind of machine can do, a combination of lathe work and mill work. Essentially a limited mill turn machine but this is smaller and not a 5 axis machine.