I've known a few guys in RC like this over the years. At some point they went down the path of 'inventory' to 'collectors items' to 'inventory of collectors items' to 'I can't stop, the stuff finds ME'... Beneath it all they might discover a chromosome configuration or psychological driver. Hoarding is kind of an ugly word, but I guess if there is no reasonable expectation for its use within 5 lifetimes, the labels come out. The guys I knew were definitely quirky in that regard, but they never bragged or flaunted. Some used the stuff & others did not. Coins or stamps are even less 'useful' if we want to point fingers haha. Now if he timed it right & started strategically selling 2 years before his untimely death, or strategically donated proceeds or items, he would be called a financial wizard or community philanthropist with his name on a plaque somewhere. Its all in the packaging, haha.