Now that my milling machine is more or less completed I'm looking to spend some money on tools for it and looking for advice on were to cheap out and we're quality wins out for getting going.
It would be nice to buy all name brand stuff and top quality butttt I would like be able to have more functionality now rather then later then change out some of the "beginner stuff" later.
Wouldn't mind buying good used stuff but it's pretty slim Pickens on the west coast and shipping some stuff just doesn't seem worth it.
I want to buy a new Kurt 6" vise as my current vise has almost 1/8 of jaw lift I can't seem to work around but curious if there is any other comparable brands out there in same price range.
Also would like to pick up rotary table and some indexable tooling and collet holders and shell mill few other bits and bobs. This is the stuff Im thinking of cheaping out on as some of it can be tuned. As I'm not currently looking at doing any production type work so i think there is some quality flexibility here.
I would also like to hear what you guys can't live without that you would recommend picking up. And wouldn't mind know we're to guys source out your carbide end mills or other consumables
Also wouldn't mind recommendations on what carbide inserts to stay away from if there is any odd ball stuff out there that is cheap but not worth it.
Thank you for reading look forward to some input also for those curious on my budget it's around 3k lol. So in the machining world probly won't get me super far.
*Side note now that I'm thinking of it most of the work I would like to do will be maintenance and restoration type work would also like to dip toes in some engine rebuilding capabilities but have read knee mills aren't considered the best for that type work.
It would be nice to buy all name brand stuff and top quality butttt I would like be able to have more functionality now rather then later then change out some of the "beginner stuff" later.
Wouldn't mind buying good used stuff but it's pretty slim Pickens on the west coast and shipping some stuff just doesn't seem worth it.
I want to buy a new Kurt 6" vise as my current vise has almost 1/8 of jaw lift I can't seem to work around but curious if there is any other comparable brands out there in same price range.
Also would like to pick up rotary table and some indexable tooling and collet holders and shell mill few other bits and bobs. This is the stuff Im thinking of cheaping out on as some of it can be tuned. As I'm not currently looking at doing any production type work so i think there is some quality flexibility here.
I would also like to hear what you guys can't live without that you would recommend picking up. And wouldn't mind know we're to guys source out your carbide end mills or other consumables
Also wouldn't mind recommendations on what carbide inserts to stay away from if there is any odd ball stuff out there that is cheap but not worth it.
Thank you for reading look forward to some input also for those curious on my budget it's around 3k lol. So in the machining world probly won't get me super far.
*Side note now that I'm thinking of it most of the work I would like to do will be maintenance and restoration type work would also like to dip toes in some engine rebuilding capabilities but have read knee mills aren't considered the best for that type work.