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Tongue and Groove American Standard Reversible Jaws for 6"3-jaw chuck - HOT ebay price


Active Member
If you've got a 6" 3-jaw lathe chuck that uses reversible (bolt-on) jaws that fit the Am. Std spec (.313x.5 T&G), there is a fellow on eBay selling new/unused Bison ones for about 1/3 of Canadian list price.


Getting some for my Pratt chuck and he's willing to deal on multiple sets. You're welcome to reach out to him directly if you're interested in a single set OR if you want multiples, let me know and we'll get a better bulk price.

fwiw - I got quotes for $450-600CAD so its a hard to beat price.
Yeah...$450CAD delivered as a starting price was too rich for my blood. KBC came back with $600 but I've long since expected them to price themselves out of the market.

I'm grabbing 2 sets of these jaws as I doubt I'll ever see a price on these this low again.
I bought a used set-tru chuck and although the overall chuck is in good shape, I couldn't get it trued. Took out the jaws and noticed 1 jaw was notably worn more than the others and to the point that the lower jaws extended further than it did e.g. no sense in trying to regrind it. I bought the chuck from a used tooling seller online and I'm guessing someone swapped that 1 jaw with another chuck at some time. They apologized for the mishap and gave me a decent refund...then the hunt for new jaws started and WAA-LAA!

New jaw set will fix that problem and of course, if I mung them, I've got another set handy. Soft jaws could also be handy but would only buy them if I had a specific need and in the form closest to that need e.g. flat/concave/convex/pie....