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Starrett Micrometer Set 1"-6" $270.00

Asphodel-Norwood, ON

He would have taken my offer but he doesn't have the standards. So that deal is dead at least for me.
A trusty 123 or 246 block makes a good enough standard in most cases. Especially for relative measurements.

Emphasis on trusty....
Sadly, @thestelster is mostly right about that @Chip Maker & @Darren. If I had to use 123 blocks, I might as well keep using calipers. They are plenty good enough for most things at that size scale. I do have both 1 and 2 inch precision micrometers for the bottom end of the size scale. I'm really only after the bigger ones.

I agree with @Darren about the need for trusted 123 blocks. Most of mine are pretty good as matched pairs but not great as an absolute reference. Especially not the 3" dimension. My 246 blocks are worse. All of them have their use but I don't think I'd trust them to calibrate a 5" micrometer.

My experience doesn't support a set and forget approach. I calibrate my current micrometers whenever I need to do precision work. They almost always need minor adjustment. I don't know why though. It has never bothered me all that much. Maybe it should. I was taught to always calibrate before any measurement session that matters. So I guess I just figured Calibration creep was part of the deal.

There is no doubt that gauge blocks would work just fine. However, they would soon get scratched with that much use. I only use gauge blocks to check the references I use for regular calibration measurements. I am prolly too anal about that but it's how I am. Despite the intended humour, Stel has me nailed pretty good.
I've though about taking the trip up the road after work to get these for a while.....I have a mixed set up to 6", Moore and wright, Brown and Sharpe, Starrettt, and Mitutoyo. Would be nice to have a matching set though. I don't have standards for anything over 2". I just use gauge blocks.

Susquatch, since you've been talking to him, are they tenth barrels? or just thou reading? I can't tell from the pics.
I've though about taking the trip up the road after work to get these for a while.....I have a mixed set up to 6", Moore and wright, Brown and Sharpe, Starrettt, and Mitutoyo. Would be nice to have a matching set though. I don't have standards for anything over 2". I just use gauge blocks.

Susquatch, since you've been talking to him, are they tenth barrels? or just thou reading? I can't tell from the pics.

He told me they were tenths. But he didn't know what a standard was. I lost interest when he said he didn't have the standards so I didn't bother confirming. My advice would be to get him to send you a photo.
He told me they were tenths. But he didn't know what a standard was. I lost interest when he said he didn't have the standards so I didn't bother confirming. My advice would be to get him to send you a photo.
If he didn't know what a standard was , I doubt he'd know what a tenth is