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Tool Searching for parts for a Mitutoyo dial caliper. 505-644-50



Ultra Member
One of the items in my estate sale purchase was an older Mitutoyo dial caliper. It is in rough shape, but it caught my attention.

I'm looking for some parts for it. 141700 hook, 141771 roller, 141776 crystal, and a 141769 stop slide.

Sent Mitutoyo Canada an email with no reply.....yet.

Found testequipmentusa.com has three of the items, but no slide stop. $US10..........$US285 shipping. ouch. Called Shannon and she was very helpful, but she could only get it down to approx $100 for shipping.

Any ideas from the group?

Thank you, Perry

Honestly best advice? scrap it and put the $100 towards a digital when on sale. Those dial calipers go 20-$30 when in good condition; unless you can make the parts it's not worth spending anything on.

as for Mit, while makers of great tools, they have imo crappy customer service. They might talk to you but won't deal with you, have to go through a distributor (yuck). So then you're minimum orders and shipping etc.
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Honestly best advice? scrap it and put the $100 towards a digital when on sale. Those dial calipers go 20-$30 when in good condition; unless you can make the parts not worth spending anything on.

as for Mit, while makers of great tools, they have imo crappy customer service. They might talk to you but won't deal with you, have to go through a distributor. So then you're minimum orders and shipping etc.
I did manage to scoop a couple nice older digital calipers also. They cleaned up pretty nice.

I know what your saying about the used price of the dial calipers. :( Your post did get me thinking...... "unless you can make the parts".....not sure why I didn't think of that.....I can probably 3D print the hook and the slide stop. Crystal shouldn't be a hard thing for me to find.

Going to have to take a good look at one of those thumb rollers.
Many years ago I needed a bubble level for my Mitutoyo combination square. I got it from Thomas Skinner. It was not very expensive.
Never seen an 8 " . o_O Wonder if 9" would fit the bill . I have a 9" in excellent condition in wood box . First tool I bought when in business . Never gets used as the gear jumps .020 sometimes when you least expect it . :rolleyes:
Any ideas from the group?

Thank you, Perry

Perry. Fundamentally, I agree with @Mcgyver .

But if you are so attached to your find that you really want to repair it, just go buy a new one for parts and then swap them. That will cost WAY LESS than finding and fitting other parts not even to mention your time.

Heck, as you ponder the parts swap, you might even decide to pitch the old one and keep the new one - perhaps swap labels and that gorgeous box......

Seriously Perry, just pitch it.

Now, on the other hand, that old Mitutoyo digital warrants some very serious Luvin. It's a battery hog though.
Never seen an 8 " . o_O Wonder if 9" would fit the bill . I have a 9" in excellent condition in wood box . First tool I bought when in business . Never gets used as the gear jumps .020 sometimes when you least expect it . :rolleyes:
I'm guessing the rack might need cleaning. I took mine apart and started cleaning them up. These are made very nice.
$100 shipping? On FB Mktplace near here someone is selling a (supposedly, haven't seen it) complete working one for that. Probably fits in a lost cost mailing box?

I once thought digitals were great, but you have to keep feeding them batteries. And old school verniers get harder to read as your eyes age. There is a good argument for a dial model.
I once thought digitals were great, but you have to keep feeding them batteries. And old school verniers get harder to read as your eyes age. There is a good argument for a dial model.

The latest Mitutoyo's are much better on batteries than the older ones. There are also lots of alternatives that are even better.

I love Vernier, but I'm getting older and I'm using them less.

I have one mitutoyo dial that still works great. But all the other brands seem to have developed gear problems.
Now, on the other hand, that old Mitutoyo digital warrants some very serious Luvin. It's a battery hog though.
Of course that old 6" Mitutoyo is nice, but it is so old they hadn't invented battery covers yet. You have to unscrew the case to change the battery. I'm ok with battery changes. These are so much nicer then my Mastercraft units. I have a vernier with no markings on it I bought back in the day....maybe BusyBee. I still pretty impressed by that one. (Doesn't take much to make me happy.)

For the guys in Calgary, you can purchase batteries at Ken's Gem in the N.E. at a very reasonable price. These are fresh high quality Renata batteries. You have to purchase in quantities of 10. 10 usually cost less than 1 piece at most of the retailers. I buy all my watch batteries from Ken's.