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RC Mower Complete - On to Next Project


Ultra Member
Premium Member
Paint and reassemble now done. Blade fires up nicely and I can't wait for the grass now. I'll park it and start hoping for warm weather.

I'm going to miss this project...6 months of work and lots of fun metal fabrication.

On to the next project...

Ahhh…. not finished quite yet. Needs 4 faux exhaust stacks (raked) behind the motor and a sharks mouth decal on the front.

I'm impressed, nice work!!!
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Gonna need to see it running Peter. I think we need a meetup to see: rc mower, steam bicycle, anything else.? :)
If it doesn't throw winter land mines (doggy poo) 50 feet over your fence into your neighbours back yard then it's useless.

Watch where you step, did I say that..... LOL
If it doesn't throw winter land mines (doggy poo) 50 feet over your fence into your neighbours back yard then it's useless.

Watch where you step, did I say that..... LOL
So put the dog out the front and wait for Halloween when the kids run through your yard!
looks Awesome!! Great project Tom. Looking forward to seeing the video of it in operation on grass.
100% agree.

Our pooch, Barti, actually did call this place once on the phone. I had been talking to Bon Ton Meat Market on the portable earlier in the day. Towards the evening he stole the phone and was carrying it around the house, like he often did. He must have pushed redial and I heard people on the other end saying, "Hello????" It was the Meat Market.

Accident? Maybe. But the look on his face said otherwise.
That's awesome. I love this stuff. All those electronics and mechanical problems that need you to devote your spare time to testing, rebuilding and modifying, over and over and over again.

Shocking to find out I never had a girlfriend in high school, right?