I bought this off Amazon, shipped direct from China. I actually bought it three times. The first two times (different seller each time) it simply did not arrive and I received full refund (after waiting up to three months!). In each of those cases, I was informed it had shipped, was charged but it never arrived.
This last time, I actually paid only C$27. I received a tracking number after about a week (I received notice that it’d shipped after about 24 hours, but the tracking info provided no information, and I was charged nonetheless). A week or so later, I received a second notice of shipment and this time the tracking number provided updates. it finally arrived after about three weeks.
I mounted it in my mill, and the run out on the arbor was well less than 0.001”.
Runout on the tips of the carbide cutters was a out 0.001”, but this could be due to the difficulty measuring the exact tip of each bit. Close enough for my needs anyway.
Overall, I am very pleased with the fit & finish. Especially for $27.
This last time, I actually paid only C$27. I received a tracking number after about a week (I received notice that it’d shipped after about 24 hours, but the tracking info provided no information, and I was charged nonetheless). A week or so later, I received a second notice of shipment and this time the tracking number provided updates. it finally arrived after about three weeks.
I mounted it in my mill, and the run out on the arbor was well less than 0.001”.
Runout on the tips of the carbide cutters was a out 0.001”, but this could be due to the difficulty measuring the exact tip of each bit. Close enough for my needs anyway.
Overall, I am very pleased with the fit & finish. Especially for $27.