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Next Vancouver Island Meet-Up (Planning Thread)


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I thought perhaps September/October may be a good time to get together again. I thought our 1st Meet-up was such an awesome time, I'm happy to host again if you want to meet at our shop.

1) Meet at Skookum Tools upstairs meeting room or would you prefer a different venue?

2) Would Saturday Sep 21st from 3-5 work? Oops Edit - my Daughter is getting married that day... priorities! How about September 14th or October 12th!

3) What would you like to plan/do differently than last time?

4) Would it be a good idea to invite the VIBA (Vancouver Island Blacksmith Association) Members?

5) Any other thoughts?

Happy to explore just about any ideas so put your thoughts in this thread and we will see what percolates to the top!
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October is way better than September. Tons of people streaming through my life that month.
Sigh. Was around but forgot the first one. Sept 12th to 15th in Penticton for our son's wedding. Then from 17th to 22st of September cousin from the UK is visiting. Likely leaving for Europe around the 28th of September to just around 20th of October. Might be a few days later than that but likely back before the 28th of October.
October would be better for me. Any Saturday.

And I would make it a priority in my month! Sad I missed the last one.
Nah. The deer here on the Island dress out at about 50 lbs.

Put in for the draw on Roosevelt Elk, but nothing yet.

What about partridge, rabbits, grouse, pheasants, etc etc etc!

Years ago my dad used to grow a field of corn just to attract the pheasants - rarely see any around any more

They disappeared here too.

As I understand it, all the game preserves result in escaped birds that don't have the natural immunity and survival instincts of the wild birds and the result is watered down gene pool that can't make it through the winter and all the wild predators. Game Bird Seasons and bag limits are not effective enough and pretty soon there are none left. We used to have thousands here and they have virtually disappeared. Fortunately, the wild turkeys have replaced them and I am drowning in wild turkeys here.
Fortunately, the wild turkeys have replaced them and I am drowning in wild turkeys here.
I wish wild turkeys were anywhere near as tasty as pheasants.

There will be a deer hunt this fall, but closer to November, up in the Kootenays I expect.
I wish wild turkeys were anywhere near as tasty as pheasants.

Actually, the secret with most game birds is a wife that can cook anything.

Mine believes in a good pounding to tenderize the meat, and then a good coating of breading and then she kicks me out of the kitchen.......