Don: I spent quite few hours on my cad software moving things around to make the best use of space, It's 10% of the floor space I had and I didn't want to feel cramped. The Lathe and mill orientation / proximity are very similar to what I had in my big shop I just turned the mill 90 degrees so the bench area where my surface plate is would be more chip free. I've since turned the surface plate 90 degrees and freed up some space across from the lathe, it saves me putting the current lathe job tooling on the surface plate cover. The mill way cover idea I got from Tom Lipton and they are genius, cuts cleaning to almost nothing, highly recommended. Next I'm going to copy his mill vise handle, don't know who did it first Tom or Robin, I see they both have them but it's a good one. I always laugh when people comment on how clean my shop is, you guys know you're in charge of that in your shop, right?