Through the evolution of my work, I am becoming more involved in parts, recently it was discovered that the drawings of a couple of parts had an error in them an would have to recalled and fixed up luckily in both cases it was extra material that needed to be removed first off was a paddle assembly that needed a bigger notch taken out, with a 10 degree wedge I was able to hold the part in the vise and remove the extra material clean up and ready for use, ended up doing 28 of these one night
The other part is a paddle shaft the the plug end was 2mm to large on the diameter being 16mm instead of 14mm we have a lathe and mill at work but I opted to do them at home as I was more comfortable with my own set up. I put them in a collet an took off the extra material so that it will fit into its associated slot, once I got everything set up I was doing one per minute, doing a total of 76 of those the next night. I enjoyed doing both jobs, thought I might get bored at redoing the same thing over and over but in the end it wasn't too bad trying to do them more efficiently became the game and helped keep the mind on task.
The other part is a paddle shaft the the plug end was 2mm to large on the diameter being 16mm instead of 14mm we have a lathe and mill at work but I opted to do them at home as I was more comfortable with my own set up. I put them in a collet an took off the extra material so that it will fit into its associated slot, once I got everything set up I was doing one per minute, doing a total of 76 of those the next night. I enjoyed doing both jobs, thought I might get bored at redoing the same thing over and over but in the end it wasn't too bad trying to do them more efficiently became the game and helped keep the mind on task.