I mentioned in a previous post that my band saw blade decided to part ways from the machine with a sudden clackety-clack. It didn't actually break but had developed a split to the extent it would not stay on. After the second mount I examined it more closely it had obvious hairline fractures which the pics magnify quite nicely. Its .75" wide x .032" thick x 10-14P? Starrett Itense Pro. It was on the saw for several years so paid its dues. Any idea what these cracks represent setup wise? Its at about the minimal tension to stay put. My saw is one of the typical offshore 7x11-ish upright / drop down style. I do think the twist path these saws impart on the blade is probably not healthy for them. I mounted my identical spare & its smooth a silk. But now I will be in the market for a spare so its ready when the day comes.
People have mentioned Allblades & possibly Thomas Skinner? I need oddball 85" length so custom weld length. What brand names & tooth pitch & any other features have you had good experience with?
People have mentioned Allblades & possibly Thomas Skinner? I need oddball 85" length so custom weld length. What brand names & tooth pitch & any other features have you had good experience with?