discovered new stuff today while trying to check motor voltage on my engraver. Wanted to know how dirty the signal was, and the PWM frequency.
Scope in hand, 10X probe connected since the motor supply is 24 VDC.
Chinese CNC manufacturers are colour-blind, or don’t know colour-code conventions.
The +24VDC line to the spindle motor on a Chinese-made 3018 CNC engraving machine is black, ground is red.
When you feed +24VDC to the shell of a USB port on a Lenovo Tiny desktop PC, the Lenovo motherboard emits magic smoke.
Once the magic smoke is dissipated, a Lenovo Tiny PC becomes a quite useless paperweight.
Lenovo 20VDC power supply connectors are impossible to test, unless you cut off the connector to get at the bare wires.
The $150 CNC machine survives power spikes better than the $800 Lenovo Tiny PC.
I probably should have checked polarity on the motor before I hooked up the scope.
Scope in hand, 10X probe connected since the motor supply is 24 VDC.
Chinese CNC manufacturers are colour-blind, or don’t know colour-code conventions.
The +24VDC line to the spindle motor on a Chinese-made 3018 CNC engraving machine is black, ground is red.
When you feed +24VDC to the shell of a USB port on a Lenovo Tiny desktop PC, the Lenovo motherboard emits magic smoke.
Once the magic smoke is dissipated, a Lenovo Tiny PC becomes a quite useless paperweight.
Lenovo 20VDC power supply connectors are impossible to test, unless you cut off the connector to get at the bare wires.
The $150 CNC machine survives power spikes better than the $800 Lenovo Tiny PC.
I probably should have checked polarity on the motor before I hooked up the scope.