Kelly McLaughlin
Well-Known Member
HI Folks, I have a small Taig mill that runs on a gecko 540 and a thing called an armpod that I bought from Supertech some years ago, had it set up and working and then moved, at first I thought is was working ok and then it seemed to loose it's mind. I couldn't change the cuttong travel speed anymore I've unloaded and reloaded software and at times It was working but I'd like to know more about how things work so If anyone has knowlege they would share I'd like to ask some questions and see if I can get a better understanding of how things interact. The Armpod allows usb connection and One thing I'm wondering is if it's just added more stuff for the sake of marketing and I could use serial or parallel instead, The armpod seems to use a serial to usb driver so maybe it could be taken out of the equation to simplify things. any help would be appreciated.