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North America Looking for Single Specialty Washer in Calgary

North America


Ultra Member
Premium Member
Hi guys. Does anyone know where I can source a specialty washer in Calgary, or online that doesn't use shipping fees as a profit center? One guy quoted me $1.95 for the washer and $161.95 + tax for shipping from Ontario.* I kid you not.


ID 5/16"
OD between 2-1/16" to 2-1/8"
Thickness 3/32" – 1/8"
Material: Steel
Finish: None

Critical dimension is the min OD of 2 1/16" but I don't care about finish.

Finish: None.

It's for one of those Ridgid Oscillating Spindle Sanders. The larger drum never squeezes down enough to prevent the largest sanding sleeve from riding up and off. If the washer that came with it were just slightly larger, it would prevent the sleeve from riding up and off. I've tried all the usual suspects: Home Depot, Bolt Supply, CalFast, Fastenal, etc. And yes, I am aware these are not supposed to overlap, only squeeze to make the drum expand (like a Dremel). The problem is that the rubber used for these drums isn't pliable enough to compress it sufficiently and it can't accommodate many sleeves on the market. As I never sand anything that approaches the full length of the spindle, there is no safety issue here.
I am in Calgary.

* For the record, I know the last pic has nothing to do with spindle washers. But when I get stressed over the greed in the business world these days, I turn to my BBQ smoker for comfort. Mild stress = Chicken, Moderate = Jalapeno Poppers, Severe = Poppers + Chipotle Rubbed Beef Ribs.

I have that sander Pete and I just used a 10 cent flat washer from the hardware store.
I can help, shipping will only be $75.99 as I'm only half the distance to Ont. :p

Seriously, if your not in a hurry PM me your address and I'll make and send you one or two.

Edit - does it need to be steel or can it be aluminium?
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I have that sander Pete and I just used a 10 cent flat washer from the hardware store.
So I thought as well David. Rona, HD, Canadian Tire, Princess Auto, etc., none have fender washers with that spec. If worse comes to worse I will get out the files and Dremel. LOL. I used to have a WEN years ago and the drums were more pliable, so no issue. I happened to speak to a Ridgid rep who was at a local HD, and he said they get a lot of complaints about this very issue. I kind of paused, expecting him to say, "we should look into this." But he just stood there like a stunned mullet using up oxygen. My inner person wanted to say something, but methinks it would have fallen on deaf ears.
Seems like a plywood washer would work in the interim, assuming there is enough thread available for that.
Bingo—you nailed it. Pun intended. Wood is too thick...not enough threads plus it would compress. These drums are hard.
I can help, shipping will only be $75.99 as I'm only half the distance to Ont. :p

Seriously, if your not in a hurry PM me your address and I'll make and send you one or two.

Edit - does it need to be steel or can it be aluminium?
Well, at least you are undercutting the Ontario company. ;);) It would need to be steel. Thanks...I will keep in mind and see if anyone can point me to a local dealer first. Muchly appreciated.
So I thought as well David. Rona, HD, Canadian Tire, Princess Auto, etc., none have fender washers with that spec. If worse comes to worse I will get out the files and Dremel. LOL. I used to have a WEN years ago and the drums were more pliable, so no issue. I happened to speak to a Ridgid rep who was at a local HD, and he said they get a lot of complaints about this very issue. I kind of paused, expecting him to say, "we should look into this." But he just stood there like a stunned mullet using up oxygen. My inner person wanted to say something, but methinks it would have fallen on deaf ears.
Ack, I actually don't have that sander. I have the oscillating belt sander which has a similar problem.
Ack, I actually don't have that sander. I have the oscillating belt sander which has a similar problem.
Actually, for the price they are one of the few affordable shop tools around. Not industrial grade and you can't lean into them. But as the old saying goes—if you let the tool do the work they are OK. In my case, it's a real change of pace not to need a crane to move it.
Well, at least you are undercutting the Ontario company. ;);) It would need to be steel. Thanks...I will keep in mind and see if anyone can point me to a local dealer first. Muchly appreciated.

Don't you have a lathe Pete? If not, surely someone close can make it for you.

I just did something similar today! Scroll down to the bottom of the post.

Post in thread 'POS Tap Guide' https://canadianhobbymetalworkers.com/threads/pos-tap-guide.10907/post-153671

PS, I'll only charge you half what @YotaBota wants!
Don't you have a lathe Pete? If not, surely someone close can make it for you.

I just did something similar today! Scroll down to the bottom of the post.

Post in thread 'POS Tap Guide' https://canadianhobbymetalworkers.com/threads/pos-tap-guide.10907/post-153671

PS, I'll only charge you half what @YotaBota wants!
LOL. If you guys keep bidding against one another, eventually shipping will be affordable.

I used to have a nice lathe, ironworker, mini-mill etc., but had to sell all my metal related tools and machinery and stay away from metal dust/welding due to illness. Doc OK'd me to go back to woodworking though. Still have part of right lung at least :p
Glad to see your post's Pete I miss your quick wit and humor hope all is well with you.

* For the record, I know the last pic has nothing to do with spindle washers. But when I get stressed over the greed in the business world these days, I turn to my BBQ smoker for comfort. Mild stress = Chicken, Moderate = Jalapeno Poppers, Severe = Poppers + Chipotle Rubbed Beef Ribs.

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* For the record, I know the last pic has nothing to do with spindle washers. But when I get stressed over the greed in the business world these days, I turn to my BBQ smoker for comfort. Mild stress = Chicken, Moderate = Jalapeno Poppers, Severe = Poppers + Chipotle Rubbed Beef Ribs.
This is a great way to look at life.