It so happens I just had one of those given to me a few weeks ago. I re-furbished it just for fun (it only took a couple of hours), but would be willing to part with it as I am very unlikely to use it, and I already hoard way too much stuff. It has some accessories for milling and sawing, but they are not complete. the lathe portion is complete, but needs a new belt or two (the belts are like large O-rings). I promised the person that gave it to me that if I sold it I would give them the money, so I want to get something at least semi-reasonable for it. I don't have a lot of idea what it is worth.
It is probably reasonably good for working on aluminum things less than an inch in diameter and maybe up to a couple of inches long. Maybe even some smaller mild steel, but I don't think it is rigid enough to really work with ferrous metals very accurately.
It is small and light. Fits on a desktop and can be put away into a small box.