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Logan Model 210 10" x 24" Lathe


Ultra Member
I've gotten a lot of useful hints and info in the past 24 hours since I bought a Logan 210 which I mentioned in the 'Member Spotted Deals' sub-forum.

It was more of a 'deal' than I could foresee - I ended up bringing it home, and I really don't need another lathe. I didn't realize until I downloaded a manual that it has power cross feed, which shows my lack of research before opening my wallet. :) That feature will be welcome.
It should be fun to get it 'up and running' again - it belonged to the grandfather of the seller, and hasn't been used at all for some years.
It's still in the back of my station wagon, pending a decision on where I am going to put it - garage or basement, and what will get elbowed out of the way to make space for it.
And I have really appreciated the offers to help share the hernia risk from other folks here, when 'moving day' happens. :)

@YotaBota posted a pic of the amazing refurbish job he did on his Logan and offered these suggestions:
If you find you need new chucks here is the best deal,

3 and 4 jaw chucks for bench lathes

6" Atlas original 4 jaw lathe chucks and Bison 5" 3 jaw chucks with 1 1/2 x 8 integral mounts
I also have a paint code if you decide to repaint.
The 3-jaw that came with the lathe was ok but a bit tired -- so I decided to order a Bison 5". BTW, it's interesting setting up the dial indicator while lying next to the lathe in the back of the car. :)
So, the spending begins in earnest! :)

Does anybody have a link to a good price on a wedge-type 'Aloris style' AXA toolpost? My sources for OXA size post and holders on AliExpress/Banggood don't seem to be stocking AXAs just now.

And @YotaBota , even though I haven't decided to paint the Logan, it would be useful to have the paint code you used; thanks for the offer.

More to come.
Does anybody have a link to a good price on a wedge-type 'Aloris style' AXA toolpost? My sources for OXA size post and holders on AliExpress/Banggood don't seem to be stocking AXAs just now.
I purchased the AXA set that Precision Matthews offers:

I like this because it comes with 5 holders for regular tools. Usually these sets include a useless bump knurler, and a near-useless angled parting tool holder. Also they usually come with a boring bar holder that wouldn't fit any of my boring bars. So basically the PM set comes with 3 more tool holders that I actually want which is a USD $45 value. OTOH, shipping would have been expensive if I hadn't picked it up in New York via a cross-border shopping service.

Another option was CDCO but I think they were out of stock when I was looking -

I've been watching Amazon for an AXA wedge type for my BB lathe, some prices are not bad but i'm waiting for free shipping if i can get it. I'm in no rush as i won't be using the new machine till late fall and cold weather that drives me inside.
I'm on my third size Accusize QCTP and all have been good for me. I've never had an Aloris so can't give you a comparison.
Agree with @trlvn on the knurler, the scissor type work much better.
I've had good success with the angle parting tool holder, only broken one blade and that was my fault not the blade.
Here's the paint code, I took the headstock in to JB's on Government and they did great job matching the colour. Rattle cans aren't cheap for a one time deal I didn't see buying a quart and having 2/3 of the can sitting here for years. The original paint just scrapped of with a putty knife, no stripper required.


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Does anybody have a link to a good price on a wedge-type 'Aloris style' AXA toolpost? My sources for OXA size post and holders on AliExpress/Banggood don't seem to be stocking AXAs just now.

Here is an accusize wedge style axa tool post on Amazon. I have come to like the new Accusize. Anytime I have not been happy I call them direct and they have looked after me.

Accusize Industrial Tools AXA 4 Piece Wedge Type Quick Change Tool Post Set for Lathe Swing 6'' - 12'' with 1/2'' M35 Square Lathe Bit, 0251-0155 https://a.co/d/btRNWSx

All three tool holders in this set are useful. Free shipping. But you might cough at the price. I wouldn't.
Here's the paint code, I took the headstock in to JB's on Government and they did great job matching the colour. Rattle cans aren't cheap for a one time deal I didn't see buying a quart and having 2/3 of the can sitting here for years. The original paint just scrapped of with a putty knife, no stripper required.
Thanks for that paint code info. I think that colour is the 'newer' Logan colour, which is IMO better looking than colour on the older (40s?) machines which is reported to be a very dark blue-black. My 1941-ish Logan is definitely on the dark side -people report colour changes with time (What!!!???after only 80 years???) but I wonder if it's a wartime khaki colour that got put on mine. It's very 'plain', to be charitable.

BTW, I used to use JBs (on Oak St, then Government) for all my 'automotive' type paints - first for refurbishing ham gear, then for painting kayaks. Jim Blackwood was the paint guy there and was unfailingly helpful, even to an amateur like me. JBs is now BumperToBumper and I'm not even sure if they do paint any more. Jim Blackwood moved to Rondex on Alpha St and the service I've gotten from him there has been excellent.
Did Jim go to Rondex after Dec 2019? I tried Rondex a couple of times prior to this and found they had a "close enough" attitude that wasn't close enough for me.
UPdate on the AXA holders: I sent an email to Precision Matthews about 10 minutes ago, asking about shipping charges.
They'll ship the AXA toolholder set (QCTP+ 5 holders) + some extra holders in a USPS FlatRate box to Canada for $55USD. So that's about $260 CAD for the QCTP and 5 useful holders.
Did Jim go to Rondex after Dec 2019? I tried Rondex a couple of times prior to this and found they had a "close enough" attitude that wasn't close enough for me.
That would be about the time frame I recall- a couple of years ago? BumperToBumper corporate decided to 'increase productivity' by reducing staffing, so the paint dept went from two people to just Jim. I think that was a lot of the impetus for his move, but I don't know the whole story. When Jim left, there was a 'Paint Dept Temporarily Closed' sign on the door at BumperToBumper, and I haven't been back there since. Usually I know the paint code/colour name for what I want, so I'm not making big demands on their time. But on a few occasions when I have needed to match a colour, Jim has been very helpful. I've also bought buffing compound and supplies from Jim.
UPdate on the AXA holders: I sent an email to Precision Matthews about 10 minutes ago, asking about shipping charges.
They'll ship the AXA toolholder set (QCTP+ 5 holders) + some extra holders in a USPS FlatRate box to Canada for $55USD. So that's about $260 CAD for the QCTP and 5 useful holders.

Same price as Amazon but only 3 holders. Then again easy returns to amazon or direct to accusize.

If it were me, I'd give accusize a call. I bet they would price match which would get you faster delivery and easy returns in the bargain.
I'm actually thinking about making an adapter (height block?) so I can use my OXA holders on the Logan. So no firm decision yet. One thing I have learned (so far) is that tool holders are like clamps in the woodworking world - you can never have too many! :)
If it were me, I'd give accusize a call.
Thanks, @Susquatch . Been there, done that on my counterbore experience with Accusize. 3 different people to talk to, none of whom seemed to know anything about their products, and the 'most senior' guy gave me vague/incorrect info: "Ya,ya, you will be perfectly fine with that, sizes will be perfect, standard!!"

Obviously it's the ultimate YMMV customer experience at that company!
Thanks, @Susquatch . Been there, done that on my counterbore experience with Accusize. 3 different people to talk to, none of whom seemed to know anything about their products, and the 'most senior' guy gave me vague/incorrect info: "Ya,ya, you will be perfectly fine with that, sizes will be perfect, standard!!"

Obviously it's the ultimate YMMV customer experience at that company!

Jezz, totally different for me. I've only had GREAT experiences! Even if I buy through Amazon they have totally been there for me.

Ya, sometimes I get someone who has no clue and speaks chinglish but the next step has always been great. Even when it was my fault!
One thing I have learned (so far) is that tool holders are like clamps in the woodworking world - you can never have too many! :)

Amen to that..... That's the clear downside to quick-change tool holders.

This is about half of mine. There are boring bar holders behind these, ground carbide on my gear head, and a dozen or so on the rack beside my lathe. Plus the spindle grinder one I made. They are called quick change for a reason!

But hey, you are really just buying the tool post this time around. The tool holders can be purchased 4,6,10 at a time when you find them on sale.
