My 1980 Dremel grinder went to that great Tool Chest In The Sky last week, so today I went out to buy a new one. Canadian Tire have them, but everything made by Dremel is in locked cabinets. So I bought it from Amazon.
Don’t brick&mortar retail shops understand that Amazon offers better pricing and a broader array of products, so maybe they need to make shopping a positive experience and not treat their potential customers as crooks?
And the extra stupid issue is that there are lots of items in the CT store that cost more than the Dremel tool but aren’t behind locked doors.
End of rant.
Don’t brick&mortar retail shops understand that Amazon offers better pricing and a broader array of products, so maybe they need to make shopping a positive experience and not treat their potential customers as crooks?
And the extra stupid issue is that there are lots of items in the CT store that cost more than the Dremel tool but aren’t behind locked doors.
End of rant.