I was after some specific (small) snap ring pliers of various nose configurations & dealing with domestic distributers was a PITA. The Canadian ones didn't have stock, so had to order in. The USA distributers had them but the usual shipping & customs rigmarole. I found this Ebay seller, quick delivery & decent price. ps - you might find Knipex items at comparable prices through regular channels, local tool store or Amazon, but it kind of depends on model. Anyways FWIW

KNIPEX Sicherungsringzangen-Set Seegeringzangen Rolltasche auch leer AUSWAHL | eBay
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for KNIPEX Sicherungsringzangen-Set Seegeringzangen Rolltasche auch leer AUSWAHL at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!