Their not a bad machine as long as you don’t take heavy cuts I’ve had one for about 10 years and blew through 1 control board because the torrid I think that’s what it’s called got hot enough to melt the solder and fall onto the below wires I also replaced 2 motors due to the rear brush getting too hot, hot enough to fuse the brush screw to the brush making it impossible to remove because of the tang. On its defence though my son was giving it a good crank being use to bigger machines lol. To cope with the brush issue I 3D printed a plate with lips to set on top that now runs a cooling fan that seems to have helped no problem yet, I also cut some brass discs out of brass to go between the brush tang end and the screw in cap so they won’t fuse again. The card they sent was different and I haven’t got the tachometer figured out mind you I’m not a electric person and never looked that much at it I was more of a ear person lol, I replaced the fuse holder once when it went dead so keep that in mind they probal changed that by now possibly even the motor. One project I keep meaning to do is my son is a strapping lad and has no problem stripping bolts, well the one to rotate the head stripped so I have a bigger spacer underneath to use it where the threads are good I want a wider pad as well as fitting the total engagement of the thread. I also have spare brushes just in case.
Most people are happy with them they can certainly do the job maybe mine was a leamon or it was us it’s just a warning not to push it.