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Installed Tapatalk to try it out. Please provide feedback.


Joshua West
I've used Tapatalk in the past, and it seemed like an ok service. I've installed it on the forum to see if it actually provides any benefit. They tout that they help promote your forum, so time will tell if that's true.

Please let me know your thoughts!
So far, really liking Tapatalk. The app has a great phone based notification system built in, so I see updates as they happen, instead of when I am at my inbox.
I don't know much about it... kind of Tap-illiterate :) Is it basically a phone App to communicate with forums like this? I thought I heard stories about perpetual banner ads & it grabbing your contacts or favorites or some such nasty's. Maybe I'm mixed up or that's old news.
Yeah, it's basically a forum dashboard. Any forum that connects with Tapatalk get's added to their system.

In my tapatalk, I have several forums (including this one!), so at night I can go to tapatalk and it's like reviewing all of my subscribed forums at one place.

I haven't noted any banner ads or other nasties, but I am running adblock etc. Would like to hear if anyone notices anything odd though.

I dislike the fact that if you're NOT using it, on the mobile version of the site you get incessant popup banners. Basically, I don't check the forum on my phone anymore... not that I tended to before Tapatalk was installed. I tend to lurk on forums more than participate, so having a notification on a watched thread or a reply to a post isn't that useful to me. Might become more so, if things here progress.
Does it make any difference (banner/junk wise) if Tapatalk App is downloaded to an iPhone vs Android/other phone? When you say 'adblock' is that a phone utility, or you mean something you apply to the forum setup so ads don't flow to phones via tapatalk. (I told you I was a noob with this stuff!)
Adblock is a desktop browser extension, so it won't make a difference for mobile banner ads
Adblock is a desktop browser extension, so it won't make a difference for mobile banner ads
IOS Jailbreak, running adblock on my phone too.

I dislike the fact that if you're NOT using it, on the mobile version of the site you get incessant popup banners.
Not sure, but I haven't actually seen this banner in forever. Does it only show one time if you do not delete cookies etc? Or maybe because I installed tapatalk on my phone, it doesn't bug me anymore?
--> Will need to do some testing, you input appreciated as we make this all work, haha.

Definitely shows the banner ad every time, and the full page ad on initial load of the site. If you leave the page open, no issues, and if you install tapatalk, doesn't show up either. There should be an option in the tapatalk control panel to turn off the ads for itself.

There seem to be some pretty heavy security and privacy flaws in tapatalk, but it would be convenient for browsing and replies. I have an issue with it showing trending feeds from a forum I've only visited as a guest a long time ago (several years) , and I've since removed from tapatalk... But they don't go away. Seems a pretty big privacy concern if they store that kind of info. I've wiped the app data And completely reinstalled the program, with no change.

I'd prefer just having a full mobile feature set without requiring a third party app. The interwebs mention that later versions of xenforo should be perfectly fine from mobile, and I've posted this directly from my mobile browser.
I've removed the "smart banner" now. The one time banner has been left in place. --> I suspect you're not accepting cookies to your device or something, as the initial banner is a "one time" but you mention seeing it on all loads of the site.
--> Tested on a second device to confirm the one time functionality.

Anyone else having issues too?
We'll get this all sorted out. haha