I was talking with three or four people at our last meetup about identifying metals by various methods including the spark test using a bench grinder. I can't remember their names/usernames so I am posting non copyright issue documents on the subject.
I also have a couple of Handouts (in pdf form) from various sites on the subject but they are likely covered by copyright as they are free documents you can find on their websites. You can find them here.
https://www.hlcollege.ac.uk/files/P...TALS FOR ENGINEERING CRAFTSMEN_tcm2-18961.pdf
I also have a couple of Handouts (in pdf form) from various sites on the subject but they are likely covered by copyright as they are free documents you can find on their websites. You can find them here.
https://www.hlcollege.ac.uk/files/P...TALS FOR ENGINEERING CRAFTSMEN_tcm2-18961.pdf