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How to change your phones privacy settings to limit corporate spying on your every word. It seems to me these settings should be off by default, or not even exist
I wish I could turn off my Tv's microphone, but at least now there are 6 fewer devices spying on my family now.I was sitting with the lovely the other evening chatting. Our conversation ended and I was reaching for the telly remote when my phone chipped in with its opinion of the subject we had been discussing. Pissed off doesn't even come close to my reaction, damn near put it in the wood stove right then. Didn’t sign up or wanr that crap. This big tech needs a damned good smack down.
True, I can remember they got in to trouble for not allowing agencies to spy on users. But people wanted choices and pushed for more. Now we have a generation that think it’s actually better that they get targeted advertising. That they get content tailored for them. With active AI being built in to phones it can only get worse.I pine for the blackberry days. Did everything, all the apps came with it, tactile keypad, no ads and afaik no spying.
I pine for the blackberry days. Did everything, all the apps came with it, tactile keypad, no ads and afaik no spying.
Is Elon in my brain?
True so very true.Every app that you put on your phone is tracking you. Turning off the settings for one set does not stop them all. Hell some apps are free to use so they can track you then sell the data. It’s a trillion dollar business now. Basically if it’s digital it’s tracked. Just an fyi you can buy data from companies that can be targetted. Anyone can buy the data it’s just a matter of money. What’s really disturbing is that they are all listening to you. Hence some of the examples from other posts. Wanna test it, if you don’t have small kids or grandkids. You and the wife say baby food 5 times in conversation. You’ll start seeing the ads.
Oh lord would I love a tactile keyboard. I swapped phones a couple of months ago, got a better camera, but smaller keyboard so I can't type squat any more, my fingers are too fat and immobileI pine for the blackberry days. Did everything, all the apps came with it, tactile keypad, no ads and afaik no spying.
Oh lord would I love a tactile keyboard. I swapped phones a couple of months ago, got a better camera, but smaller keyboard so I can't type squat any more, my fingers are too fat and immobile