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I’m helping with an estate sale and trying to determine a fair price for a Tennsmith 48" brake and a Tennsmith 48" shear that must be sold as part of the estate. They are probably 52" as they seem to make 36” and 52”. Both are in great shape and can be seen in Kelowna, B.C. I'm in Calgary, but will be going back there in September and can get more details then. There is also an air compressor and various tooling for sale. I'll itemize the tooling then. All items are in a ground level workshop so moving should be easy enough.

Im in osoyoos 1.5 h from kelowna
I would buy the brake. I could go up and have a look at the items and help with a price
@Galoot Look here:
Im in osoyoos 1.5 h from kelowna
I would buy the brake. I could go up and have a look at the items and help with a price
I'll be talking with the owner to see how she would like to handle it. I offered to do some of the legwork to help. Thanks for the offer to go up there; I will pass it along.
@Galoot Look here:
Thanks! That's a great example of what I was looking for - just a ballpark idea of value. Hers is a 48" so maybe it's a bit higher. I'll send that to the owner. Earlier, I scoured that on-line site trying to get a read on similar sized stuff with some success. This situation is new for her and she has many other things going on and fortunately she is not rushing it.
Calling @CalgaryPT
Pete sold very similar sized tools a few years back maybe search the forum as I believe he posted them here for sale.
Hi David — yes, very similar to what I sold. However, I'm not a credible source WRT pricing. My thought process was that I had got everything I wanted to out of the wonderful hobby and it was time to divest. I let everything go at a steal and don't recall a lot of negotiation as I pretty much took what people offered. I was thrilled that forum members and friends would get to enjoy them as much as I did.

If I were my own auctioneer, I would have fired myself.

Sorry, but best I can say is my prices made everyone happy (I hope)...including me.