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Other Help! -- Broken spring repair.


Premium Member
I have a chair where the springs are embedded into the foam. There are now two broken springs that zig-zag internally in that foam. I can cut or tear a slit into the foam to get at the spring ends and obviously using any kind of heat to repair them is a no go.

I was thinking of somehow pulling the ends close together or even overlapping and then winding say MIG welding wire around them and sealing that with epoxy.

But is it even worth it? I guess I should go ask what a replacement cushion costs. Seems easy enough to replace.

I'm going to check on the cost of a replacement insert cushion tomorrow. Might be the best way to handle this.
I have a chair where the springs are embedded into the foam.

My wife routinely redoes chairs, couches, and other furniture. We have furniture we got when we got married over a half century ago. She just keeps changing the upholstery. She also does drapery and clothing including wedding parties and brides gowns. She is a seamstress of many talents. Generally I think she would replace a spring cushion with a foam cushion and abandon the springs. She might also put a hard board under it.