Hey, welcome from South of Chatham in Ontario.
Been to both cities. Very nice places. I always have a hard time trying to remember if it's St John or St John's. The other one is in nfld.
Every time I think about St. John, I remember a funny story. I was invited to speak at the university there as their annual guest lecturer. There were maybe 3 or 400 people in the auditorium waiting. But the AV guy didn't show up so I was preparing to have to yell. At the last minute he showed up in a big fan-fare and then proceeded to give me a pedantic lesson on how to use everything. There were a half dozen remotes - one for each device. In particular he made a big deal about how the big overhead projector control was line-of-sight only and repeated that several times as though I was a total idiot. (I am, but he shouldn't have tried so hard to prove it). When he was all done, I took out my palm pilot, and quickly programmed all of the remotes into it (an easy process I did regularly), and then tested everything. As a final test, I reached around under my arm and bounced the signal for the overhead off the projector screen behind me, which worked just fine. Then I held it my lips and blew the smoke off the muzzle as though it were a pistol. I ended all that with a loud "SO MUCH FOR LINE OF SIGHT". The AV guy crawled out of the room and the crowd howled.
As a gift, they gave me a solid brass mariners navigation sextant. What an awesome piece of hardware! Not only that, but the airport security folks let me take it on the plane home with me! That would not have happened in any airport in Ontario.....
Ya, I love the Maritimes almost as much as Saskatchewan.