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Heat wave ?


Machinist/Toolmaker ( retired )
Up in Calgary with all the heat wave warnings . 80 degrees and no humidity ????????? :D I had the heat on . Try Maryland's 97 degrees with 80 percent humidity ! :eek: Anyway , want to catch up with the Dab while here along with anyone else in the area .
This weather is absolutely beautiful , coming from high 90's and high humidity . :)
41C-42C for today and tomorrow (106F-108F), with cooler temps (mid to low 30's Celsius, later in the week.https://weather.gc.ca/city/pages/bc-28_metric_e.html

Not gonna be doing much other than the most needful, outdoors... I like the heat, but you can still have too much of a good thing!

Thankfully, it's quiet on the Fires front, other than up in the North East of BC, for now... https://wildfiresituation.nrs.gov.bc.ca/map

Stay hydrated folks! FWIW, I find that a heavy shot of Lemon Juice adds a lot to the bottle of water I carry when doing field work on the tractor! Even when the stuff is tepid warm, it still quenches the thirst!
Well, a heat warning is relative. If your used to very hot,not a big deal. If you have been in very cold for some time, it may kill you very fast. It's said you can nearly climitize to near any temperature in 2weeks. The older you are, the harder it is on your system, the blood does not move as well and so on. However, age may? mean smarter? about it.
i lived in Winnipeg (high humidity) and now live in Calgary (low humidity), 30+ in Winnipeg is much more tolerable than 30+ in Calgary, the sun seems to be much more intense with the lower humidity, could be the lack of cloud coverage with the lower humidity

I find this is the same travelling, going to a desert climate at 30+ is unbearable compared to the same temperature in a more tropical, higher humidity climate

either way i was sweating my a$$ off this afternoon laying bright shiny galvanized Q deck, probably going call a half day on Wednesday (34+)

But hey, pretty standard stampede weather! im sure we are in for some wild storms in the coming evenings
Out here on the island in the middle of the peninsula we seem to get more snow and more rain and more heat than around the airport or in Victoria.

I've found using a large fan the best way to keep the house cool is to put blow air out with cardboard around it to make sure it doesn't just circulate air around the patio door. Then at the other end of the house open windows which results in the air being pulled in. At least 4x the area of the fan outlet.

I also make a point of directing the air along the hallway where the two furnace return air ducts sit. That helps also pull the cooler incoming air and circulate it.

Today I hung a Raspberry PiZeroW and a DHT-22 RH+Temperature sensor on one of the inlet windows.
It's 9:55PM now and when I started at 9PM it was showing 26.7C. The PiZeroW serves up a web page with this info.

And every climate change denier is shrugging their shoulders about global record breaking temperatures the last 12 months.
And every Climate Change fan-boi or fan-grl, is busy making out like it has never been hot in summer before too!

In prior years, none of the so-called News sources, decided that normal summer temperatures, were deserving of a vivid red fire background, instead of the usual weather reporter's basic colors.

Here in BC, we had a season of El Nino. The warm Pacific Coast current. It made a mild winter with very little mid and low level snow to add to the ground water we here rely upon for irrigation water.

La Nina, on the other hand, is cold and wet by comparison, and I think this winter will be a doozy of wet, snowy, cold, and otherwise crappy!

Climate Change is an annual event! And folks forget that we may think highly of ourselves, as the so called Human Race, but we are NOT actually in charge of how the Climate works.

It's not that i don't trust the science, so much, as it is that I don't trust the Politics! :)
Out here on the island in the middle of the peninsula we seem to get more snow and more rain and more heat than around the airport or in Victoria.

I've found using a large fan the best way to keep the house cool is to put blow air out with cardboard around it to make sure it doesn't just circulate air around the patio door. Then at the other end of the house open windows which results in the air being pulled in. At least 4x the area of the fan outlet.

I also make a point of directing the air along the hallway where the two furnace return air ducts sit. That helps also pull the cooler incoming air and circulate it.

Today I hung a Raspberry PiZeroW and a DHT-22 RH+Temperature sensor on one of the inlet windows.
It's 9:55PM now and when I started at 9PM it was showing 26.7C. The PiZeroW serves up a web page with this info.

View attachment 49561
Living on the Island, North of Courtenay, for several years, I gained a DEEP appreciation, for how varied and localized the weather patterns were able to be there.

If you really wanted to have a bit of a clue, you had to understand "Snow Belts", but even better, you had to understand that the outflows off of the mainland, resulted in dumps of wet snow on various locations on the Island. I am quite certain, that, had i given time to it, I would be able to map the snowfall on that section of the Island, against the outflows of various valley systems on the Mainland, which drove the air across the channel, to pick up and then dump the moisture in whatever form, rain or snow...
That’s on the south shore? We hit 30 in HRM This aft.

D :cool:
Yarmouth. Western end of the province for those who don't know. If I drove inland 15 minutes it would be much hotter. What was odd yesterday was the humidity. I opened my toolbox in the shop and the tools were dripping wet. Like they had been sprayed with a hose. I had to run the dehumidifier just to dry them off.
It's not that i don't trust the science, so much, as it is that I don't trust the Politics! :)
I could not have said it better, it has been going on since 1939 and scientists have become prostitutes. A certain orange and red demographic revels it forecasting disaster.
A large amount of so called information is in people's minds and memory's, we know how good that is! Depending on what's being talked about, we remember how cold it was, or how hot, wet, dry, etc. And there has never been a winter, summer, spring, fall, better or worse then that one!
Yes, I do know about ice cores being taken and studied, temputures recorded and studied, winds, rainfall, and on and on. In general, our record keeping does not go back very far, and anything that does, is in many cases thrown out with the wash water. A statement would be " that can't be right"! What the!?.
Am I a nay sayer, no not in anyway. It is just very hard to find the grain in the straw.
A story, which is in some history books, the Vikings were running around some time ago, around about 1200+/-. Got to Iceland, decided, pretty nice here, started farming, growing crops, raising animals, some settlements. Anyhuw, about 1430+/-, it started getting colder, couldn't grow crops and so on, most of them pulled out and went back to the Scandinavian country's.
In hand with that, it seems there was not a winter festival? on the Thames river in England before 1430+/-. No ice, not thick enough?? It seems that when it did happen, it lasted many 100's of years.
There was also a period of time around there that barely any crops grew, 3-5 +/- years, at least in Europe. Was recorded as, very wet, cloudy, lack of sun, cold, the Great Famine. The Black plague and the Dark ages had a go around then too. Something's maybe human caused, some not.
As to our present day record keeping, be careful where that info comes from, and HOW it is recorded. Sometimes its an average and peaks, high and low are laying with the wash water, as that can't be right, gauges were not working right, they can't see past their nose etc.
Is the world or some, all of it warming up, I do think so. It appears, once again, there maybe a "Northern Passage". Are the summers hotter, or are the hot times lasting longer with less rain. A cycle?
Perhaps, 7 billion plus people, with a body temputure of 98.5+/- are slowly warming things up. Seems most want a hot meal once a day too, and a warm place to sleep or a cool place to get out of the heat, some of which uses energy forms to make.
And things change, some slow, some fast.
I am not sure long the planet is now "thought" to have been, there have been changes!!
What do I know, not very dam much in the big show.
42C at my house in Osoyoos yesterday, today supposed to be the same.
I used to work outside in the summers, full sun 36-38 was normal, we started work at 5 am till 4 or 4:30
I drank 6-7l of water 2 frozen milk jugs that would melt iver the day.
I dont have central air, a couple portables and fans.
My tolerance to the heat is certainly much less now I feel sorry for others