Chicken lights
Forum Pony Express Driver
I need to change the water pump on my big truck. The manual says to remove two bolts, reinstall two guide studs then remove the remaining three bolts.
I’m not actually sure it’s critical on disassembly but I could see it for reassembly purposes.
So I ordered in a couple new bolts to get the size and thread pitch. I believe M10 x 1.5 x 80 mm. I was going to grab a couple grade 8 bolts on Monday, maybe an inch longer than the new ones
Do I grab a zip disc, cut the bolt head off, then cut a slot for a flat head screwdriver?
Grind two flats for a wrench?
Take them and have four flats milled, to use a socket on them?
I’m leaning towards the last option, but curious how you guys would approach this.
I guess if I got two short pieces of metric allthread I could just double nut them, wind them in, then take the nuts off...