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New Member
Hi everyone,
I'm new to the forum, and fairly new to machining. I picked up a KC20VS2 mill/drill and King 7x12 lathe for a good deal to get started a couple years ago. I've since upgraded to a 12x36 lathe (which is a joy to use) and am looking to upgrade the mill. Originally I was set on a knee mill, but the cost is a little prohibitive and size wise I can only fit a smaller knee mill in my shop. The KC20VS-2 is a decent little mill, but I'm finding it lacks the power and stiffness to take larger cuts which makes some jobs rather slow and tedious when I need to remove lots of material. An FRV30-210 mill/drill just popped up for sale not too far away for an ok price and I'm wondering what people's thoughts are on it? From what I can gather it's an RF45 clone but fitted with a 2hp motor. It has power feed on the x axis, a coolant system and power up/down on the head. It comes with some tooling and I already have an ok selection of R8 stuff. I'm wondering if this larger bench top mill might be the trick? Anyone have any insight into the FRV30-210 vs a King KC20VS2? Thanks,

This may be helpful.

From what I know of the machines they are quite capable. Not 3000lb, knee mill capable but likely more rigid than your current machine.