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Finally - Rudy K horizontal


Active Member
After many years of making a few parts, losing the plans & parts, finding them again, moving house, making some more parts, losing them again, and re-finding them, I finally have a working engine. It's Rudy Kouhoupt's single cylinder, single acting, spool valve design from raw stock.



This is a short run after adjusting the timing to get rid of a knock.

It runs fairly well on about 5-6 lbs of air.

Valve chest, flywheel, inlet fitting, connecting rod, and eccentric strap are brass.
Admission tube is copper.
Cylinder is an unknown coppery-ish alloy.
Baseplate, cylinder support, bearing block, crank disc, and piston are aluminium.
Eccentric, crank pin, and valve are steel.

I've got a bit of bronze rod for the final valve to be made from, and the connecting rod & eccentric strap could do with some fancying-up later.
Just happy to finally see it running.

Nice job, looks great, and nice runner. Sounds like quite a journey.....I have many projects like that too lol

I think we all have a project list that is bigger than the free time available. I am frustrated by the poor utilisation of my "idle hours" but I remain at a loss as to how to improve my habits.
I think we all have a project list that is bigger than the free time available. I am frustrated by the poor utilisation of my "idle hours" but I remain at a loss as to how to improve my habits.

I think the key to this mystery is to begin by accepting ourselves for who we are (especially as we get older) and then learning to be happy with who we are and even enjoy a good laugh at our own expense.

I am far from perfect, far from efficient, far from neat and tidy, mostly clumsy, part blind, can't hear high frequencies, shake like a leaf, and the list goes on and on. Even worse, I can't weld worth a shit. But when I look in the mirror, I am happy with the stubborn ugly messy old man looking back at me. I've had a very good life and I'm grateful for all the half ass talents and half finished projects that I do have.
I think the key to this mystery is to begin by accepting ourselves for who we are (especially as we get older) and then learning to be happy with who we are and even enjoy a good laugh at our own expense.

I am far from perfect, far from efficient, far from neat and tidy, mostly clumsy, part blind, can't hear high frequencies, shake like a leaf, and the list goes on and on. Even worse, I can't weld worth a shit. But when I look in the mirror, I am happy with the stubborn ugly messy old man looking back at me. I've had a very good life and I'm grateful for all the half ass talents and half finished projects that I do have.

Hear! Hear! Well said. I must remember to celebrate the victories, however small.