• Scam Alert. Members are reminded to NOT send money to buy anything. Don't buy things remote and have it shipped - go get it yourself, pay in person, and take your equipment with you. Scammers have burned people on this forum. Urgency, secrecy, excuses, selling for friend, newish members, FUD, are RED FLAGS. A video conference call is not adequate assurance. Face to face interactions are required. Please report suspicions to the forum admins. Stay Safe - anyone can get scammed.

Excello Milling Machine CA$1,200 Ottawa, ON

Scam or no, I think it's a real trend that will also reach the west soon enough. The demand for good machines is declining. The supply is also declining but not as fast. It's just the way it is.

Trade schools are disappearing. Machine Shops today are buying CNC. Old school machinists and machines are both slowly drifting into a foggy memory of the past.

For anyone shopping, buy whatever you can afford while you can still use it cuz the market changes are not as important as the changes that will happen in your own mind and body. It's ok to dream of more but it's much more important to enjoy machining with whatever you have today. Today is a day that is only for this moment in time. It's never ever coming back again.
It is an ‘American Version’ of a 602 Mill.
You can tell by the ‘XLO’ cast in the headstock ’face’.

Hi Len, American version, as in made there or made here for export there? Mine says XLO but generally styling seems newer than the one above, boxier. I don't think I've seen one like above, all I've seen look like mine below. Is the one above an earlier model?

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I've seen one like above, all I've seen look like mine below.

Is that your shop and your mill Mike? I love looking at shop photos like that. Sooooo much to learn.

In particular, your way cover caught my eye. So simple. I love simple. Please tell us more.


Do you leave your rotary table on the mill permanently?
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Just a piece of vinyl and rare earth magnets. Very old photo, its since been upgraded to a piece of nitrile rubber bolted in place, same on the backside.
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You are welcome anytime, I can still just about fit one other person in. :)

Didn't you ask about RT storage? can't see it now. Anyway, I made a rack for the side of the mill..... fits the RT, index head and vise. I used to lift the 12" RT into place but figured none of use are getting stronger or tougher so eventually that wouldn't end well. Splurged for the crane. Stupidly expensive for what it is, but i still have my back. All really old photos, things are more crowded now and the housekeeping is mostly better

Didn't you ask about RT storage? can't see it now.

I just asked if you stored it permanently on your mill table. I see now you don't.

Anyway, I made a rack for the side of the mill..... fits the RT, index head and vise. I used to lift the 12" RT into place but figured none of use are getting stronger or tougher so eventually that wouldn't end well. Splurged for the crane.


My back gives me problems whenever I do something dumb. I was a big tall fellow even in grade school and slouched to hide my height. Bad plan. Stupid kids. But my size still allows me to easily lift vises and rotary tables as long as I don't have to bend to the floor. So I don't forsee a lift like that in my future.

On the other hand, a mill height rolling cart for such things makes good sense to me for both storage and easy transfer. For now, I use the top of a rolling tool cabinet, but I almost never actually move it because it's too big. I just grab the rotary table and move it. I'd prefer a dedicated cart.
I had an xlo at one time, I think it had a 6” stroke on the quill as apposed to the 5 on a Bridgeport, and I think? it had a bigger spindle diameter.