One of the things that brought me into metal working. Many years ago (prior the Internet as we know it.....BBS days) I use to do a lot of hobby electronic stuff for myself. At one point drilling all my self made PCBs was getting too much.
I built a CNC table to drill the holes. This is way before what we have today. I made my own stepper drivers and controllers from scratch. The table used drill rod and teflon sliders. Ready rod and spring loaded nuts. (High tech stuff) It turned out so good I was able to mill PCBs. However etching was still faster with better results. I was able to speed things up by stacking and drilling a few boards at a time.
What I learned back in the day was useful in my transfer over to my CNC mill I built. (converted).
Ok, enough
I've tried a lot of different software over the years. From high end commercial stuff (at a development shop) down to the hobby level.
I think for hobby use (and possibly into professional stuff) the free program on can not be beat. Easy learning curve. Fast. Acurate
Send your design off to 10 boards, for $5.00 (plus shipping) How can you beat that?
The one negative thing about easyeda is that it is a cloud based app. I'm not too happy about my design being out there.
I use a lot of microcontrollers in my designs. Without the code, the circuit is basically useless.
This is a little project that I did recently. Etched, drilled and a mask. It's crazy what we have access to these days.
For the record, I tried Fusion 360 (PCB and CAD) just didn't work for me. I use Solidworks for most of my machining stuff. It also has a PCB designer. Just not as quick and easy as the easyeda designer.