• Scam Alert. Members are reminded to NOT send money to buy anything. Don't buy things remote and have it shipped - go get it yourself, pay in person, and take your equipment with you. Scammers have burned people on this forum. Urgency, secrecy, excuses, selling for friend, newish members, FUD, are RED FLAGS. A video conference call is not adequate assurance. Face to face interactions are required. Please report suspicions to the forum admins. Stay Safe - anyone can get scammed.



ersatz engineer
I got a boat rack from a friend and modified it to become a ladder rack / rack for hauling things on top... I had to cut it and re-weld it for height, width and length to get it to fit my truck... Paint will have to wait for spring as I plan to use slow cure epoxy. But it won't hurt a bit to wait for spring, either:

Ladder Rack.JPG
So - things have happened since then. Thanks to John N (again!) I now have a highboy topper for the truck (yay!!), but oc course the rack no longer fits.

If anyone needs a serviceable rack for their truck, it is free!
So today I moved 500 lbs of steel and aluminum into the truck, and recycled it. Turned over the garden beds,. Then I went to a friend's house and had a 'lumberjack workout': I took some branches out of a mayday tree, prepping it form a spring take-down. It is diseased, and we have to take it down before it takes out his roof.

I have segments to build up my pole saw to 25 feet... but it is serious workout to saw limbs off the tree with it, position it, and control it.

This week 2 more tonnes of dirt to the dump. Only one more load to go!!
John N wanted to buy a Carbide end mill so I tagged along to see what else was available. I've been looking for a dial caliper to supplement my digital ones, in the event a battery went dead, etc. But I've also been looking for a small non-offshore face mill. No luck for a while, until...


The 2" face mill came with two different grades of Kinnemetal inserts, and that smaller face mil with the large shank is a Sandvik 3 insert face-and side mill. The calipers were in like-new condition. I bought the vernier primarily because he needed to sell it, and I can pass it on to someone who needs it some day. ( gave away my last one to a member here, as he'd use it and I hadn't used it in a while). A great day!
I can't speak for the two face mills, but I can for the calipers.

I have a Vernier just like the bottom one that lives in my range box, the leather case for it is compact and takes up hardly any space.

That mitutoyo dial caliper is just like the one I use in my shop all the time. I could use a geotag for it though.

They are both top notch Calipers!

Nice score!
This last couple of weeks have been... crazy.

1 more ton of dirt to the dump, beds redug for adding compost. Cleaning up the front yard, and digging [edit] 150 sq ft more of the lawn and filling with chips.

This last week a friend and I built him a truck crane that accepts 2 heads, one for lifting deer, and one for lifting a platform, and swinging a load right into the bed via the tailgate. Here's a picture of that mini project about half way through. with the platform attachment:


Other that that, I've been prepping rims for winter tires and sent many hours sorting out the shop and projects. Did a few mini projects with John Nielsen - cleaning up a 14" rotary table, modifying his horizontal bandsaw, sorting out bore gauges, etc. We are getting ready to sort through all his watchmaking stuff. More on that later....
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... So much for posting regularly...

I'm resuming this as my trip log, as I am leaving real soon now.

-- but a quick catch up. Christmas surprised me, and then January was full of drama and helping out others. Some time in February a depression set in. Not enough people talk about this, as there is stigma and judgements. For me it is an endocrine thing, and can last days or months, but I usually can function with all the appearance of normalcy. In this case, it has slowed me down - and then trip preparations began!

(for those following my 3DP saga, moving the printer disrupted something, and the meager amount of time I've spent on hasn't got it running - yet. So after the trip :)

If all goes well, we are leaving sometime Saturday afternoon or evening. Still lots to pack. We hope to be in Thunder Bay either moday afternoon late or Tuesday morning.
. Some time in February a depression set in. Not enough people talk about this, as there is stigma and judgements. For me it is an endocrine thing, and can last days or months, but I usually can function with all the appearance of normalcy. In this case, it has slowed me down - and then trip preparations began!
Wish you the best man and yes there is not enough open talk about it yet and so the stigma/judgments remain. One day at a time we overcome.
Some time in February a depression set in. Not enough people talk about this, as there is stigma and judgements. For me it is an endocrine thing, and can last days or months, but I usually can function with all the appearance of normalcy

Good on you for bringing it up. Depression can come at any age in varying degrees for a variety of reasons and quite often accompanies us into old age as surely as thinning hair and creaky joints. The loss of family and friends as we age can take a terrible toll. One of my wife's friends was in his eighties and said the saddest thing for him was that no one remembered him as a child anymore. Be well and enjoy the trip.
. We hope to be in Thunder Bay either moday afternoon late or Tuesday morning.
.....maybe a little bit less drama on this trip though, okay?:rolleyes:
Safe travels and enjoy the trip. ...... and don't forget the pictures, lots of pictures. :cool:

..... I feel your pain regarding depression, sometimes it's hard to see the future when all you feel is the moment that you are in. Have no fear, there are better days ahead, and for fear of making matters worse; you always have us. ;)
Somebody from Brantford contacted me, and I'm not sure who. Can't find the contact in the PMs, etc.. Can you refresh my bad memory?
Somebody from Brantford contacted me, and I'm not sure who. Can't find the contact in the PMs, etc.. Can you refresh my bad memory?

You sure it was Brantford? I maintain a member list of those who self profess their location. I don't have any members on that list from Brantford. I do have members from Guelph, Kitchener, & Cambridge.