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Czech TOS FNK 25 milling machine $750 Milton ON

I had a well used one of those, it had a #30 Nmtb spindle taper, they also come in R-8 and Nmtb 40. Mine had a 7.5 kw motor on the head, I think the table was 12x60 inches. Standing in front of the head, I could not reach the x axis handwheels without taking a half step towards the wheel.

Every part on the machine was available from Modern tools. It is a very heavy duty ram turret mill, I think mine was 3700 lbs. It is very tall as well, probably 7 ft. tall.
I had a well used one of those, it had a #30 Nmtb spindle taper, they also come in R-8 and Nmtb 40. Mine had a 7.5 kw motor on the head, I think the table was 12x60 inches. Standing in front of the head, I could not reach the x axis handwheels without taking a half step towards the wheel.

Every part on the machine was available from Modern tools. It is a very heavy duty ram turret mill, I think mine was 3700 lbs. It is very tall as well, probably 7 ft. tall.
power feeds standard too IIRC