It took a couple of weeks, with work & waiting for parts, but the new lathe is operational.
I’ve corrected a couple of issues, and thought this might be of interest to someone else who has this model.
While cleaning up the machine, I noticed a lot of sand and gunk (left over from the casting process?) in the gearbox. After a teardown & cleaning, I also have a good understanding of the inner workings of the apron and power feed. I’m really glad that I didn’t wait a year to change the oil.
I couldn’t leave the gearbox to my imagination after seeing the condition of the apron, and it was pretty dirty as well, as shown in the photo.
Note: if you open this gearbox, you’ll need some new gasket sealant to put it together again.
Anyways, hopefully this helps someone.
I’ve corrected a couple of issues, and thought this might be of interest to someone else who has this model.
While cleaning up the machine, I noticed a lot of sand and gunk (left over from the casting process?) in the gearbox. After a teardown & cleaning, I also have a good understanding of the inner workings of the apron and power feed. I’m really glad that I didn’t wait a year to change the oil.
I couldn’t leave the gearbox to my imagination after seeing the condition of the apron, and it was pretty dirty as well, as shown in the photo.
Note: if you open this gearbox, you’ll need some new gasket sealant to put it together again.
Anyways, hopefully this helps someone.